The Secret Dimensions Of Reality

Theodor Kaluza and Einstein mused on the idea that there are extra additional dimensions we are yet able to perceive, millions perhaps. It helps to understand some of the basics in order to comprehend the non-physical and the inner & outer worlds.
1st Dimension = Time, light & consciousness, it’s a single cell •
2nd Dimension = Space-time, differentiation & awareness, mirror copies (think symmetry), split cells •• brings the illusion of polar opposites.
3rd dimension = Space- time- gravity. Past- present- future. Matter & events.
Events become reality, we develop an identity which makes us unconscious.
The 3rd dimension is an illusion.
What happens if we push this theory further.. the above is based on scientific fact. We need to recognise that our physical bodies are an illusion, we are Avatars!
Think quantum, think spirit and the infinite soul. It’s non-physical. The 4th Dimension brings many versions of reality it’s a bridge dimension to the 5th. It’s the spirit realm where there are many worlds, many realities and many versions of you!
In the 5th dimension time is left behind. Your choice manifest, think about vortex math here, the 5th dimension is symbolised by the pentagram hence it’s use in pagan rituals - It exists !
In the 6th Dimension your thoughts manifest, you are the creator. The 6th dimension is symbolised by the Star of David.
Now this is all internal, it’s all in your mind! We have tonnes of info on how you can reach the higher dimensions but you must understand it’s within you.
Browse the website for more info.
The 7th dimension enables you to manifest your desires. It’s only fear that will stop you here.
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