Did CERN open Pandora’s box?

CERN! Did they open Pandora’s box?

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I’m going to try & explain my findings within the word count limit and keep this completely unbiased. Please add your comments below.

CERN is a science facility that borders France and Switzerland. Its structure the Hadron collider spans exactly 17 miles in length.

They collide photons, atoms and electrons. It is here they discovered the god particle. They recently discovered a particle called the Tetraquart. The significance of this was the particle's ability to last/live longer (Remember the universal code) they collided with two opposing forces to get this and there is much debate about the safety of such experiments.

During these experiments, it was said that within the images captured scientists witnessed what they call supernatural events. These are things that science used to dismiss, the non-physical.

Now we could argue here that they are potentially opening up the gates of hell (lower entity dimensions) into our world. The spiritual community is well aware of the dangers of energy & how it works. Scientists know that antimatter that isn’t contained is also uncertain and volatile, it’s unstable. So why would they do this? Have they now altered the belief system of the scientific community?

CERN has proved that the unseen, paranormal or other dimensions do indeed exist & that the Higgs field is simply proof of what we call the Aether.

Shiva destroys and creates, he represents one of 3 gods In Hinduism that symbolise the trinity. So it’s interesting they were gifted only this as a representation of their work.

Have they unknowingly solved one of life’s biggest questions or are they knowingly releasing negative energies onto the earth? In 2019 the NYT published an article that the experiment had failed. 🤫🤔


“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

Nikola Tesla

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