
Colour therapy was used in healing by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. As early as the first century in Rome, the physician Aulus Cornelius Celsus wrote about using colour as a therapy. In the ninth century, the Arab physician Avicenna wrote about the relationship of colour to both diseases and treatments.

Every civilization had and still has, its associations with colour. In the fourth century BC, the great philosopher, Aristotle, considered blue and yellow to be the true primary colours, relating, as they do, to the sun and moon, male and female, stimulus and sedation. Furthermore, Aristotle associated colours with the four elements - fire, water, earth and air.

It is now well known and accepted that the colours in our environment affect both our behaviour and mood. We begin to feel livelier in the spring, when yellow daffodils, bluebells and colourful crocuses appear. In the winter months, when we are surrounded by dark grey skies, we instinctively withdraw and tend to hibernate. In today's busy, materialistic world, it is easy for us to underestimate the power of our unconscious instincts.

The colours of the space where we live or work affect us in just the same way as they did our ancestors. The colours that people wear still send out clear signals, which we can all read accurately. There has been a lot of scientific research, leading to a recognition that there is a link between colour, mood and behaviour.

How does colour therapy work?

Colour is energy and the fact that it has a physical effect on us has been proven, time and again, in experiments - most notably, when blind people were asked to identify colours with their fingertips and were all able to do so, easily. The effect of colours on us is caused by their energy entering our bodies.

The 11 basic colours have fundamental psychological properties, which are universal. Each of them has potentially positive or negative psychological effects and which of these effects is created, depends on the relationships within colour combinations.

There are four psychological primary colours - red, blue, yellow and green. They relate respectively to the body, the mind, the emotions and the essential balance between these three.

They all work together to relieve, cleanse, build and heal. There are said to be no dangerous side effects, at any time. Only a normal condition can occur, regardless of the length of exposure time on the body, face, or eyes. Since the colour works through the aura and chakras (see our chakra realignment page) to make the changes, only the amount necessary will be given.