
It is said that Good & Evil can be embodiments of Energy. They are also anagrams for the word God & Devil.

The thing we can sometimes overlook is that one is not better than the other. We often think that one is right and the other is wrong. This can give us a very negative view of the world.

Understandably this concept has affected the balance and unity of the two, it can be utterly inconceivable to some that the two are to be as one, we have to accept the good and bad in everything.

One cannot be without the other. Think of Kinetic energy, it’s the energy an object has because of its motion. If we want to accelerate the object, then we must apply a force (positive or negative depending on its current state) Applying a force requires us to do work but after work has been done, the energy transferred to the object creates a new constant speed.

Living in hell can be a state of mind! We are energy and we are hit at all angles with negative and positive energy.

ARE YOU OUT OF BALANCE? Don’t let things bring you down.

Believe in the power of your mind! Balance the two and live more harmoniously within yourself and the planet around you.

Get to work and check out the Energy Realignment information on our website to find out what we are doing to help

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