The Aether/Higgs field

The Aether field

Once deemed invalid in the scientific community because it could not be seen or felt! Similarly to saying air doesn’t exist because you can’t feel it.

This was a false assumption, everything is connected. Yet all our science has been based on this assumption until now. It’s been proven by the Air Force experiments that a field of energy does indeed exists.

It has lots of different names today… such as The Matrix, Quantum Field or God. It is the container of all things! Everything and everyone exists in this field, it’s a bridge between the inner and outer world and a mirror to the world around us.

The world around you is what you claim to be true. Go to our post about Perception and Symmetry for more.

It proves that we are connected, your thoughts, actions and intentions can indeed affect someone or something elsewhere with zero time lag. Zero time lag because it doesn’t have to travel…. It doesn’t travel because it’s already there.

An example is when one photon is split into two and sent in opposite directions, they influence one another. You may have heard of quantum entanglement (check out that post) and this is important because it means when one thing is connected it always is and always will be connected.

If we went back to the beginning of time you’d understand that we all came from the same place. Once connected, always connected!

Love thy neighbour! & remember that your loved ones are always with you. Energy doesn’t die, it just changes form.

Find some space!
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