The Epicentre of Enlightenment! The Third Eye!

This tiny pea shaped gland is mysterious and shaped like a pine cone. It’s sensitive to light and resides in the centre of the brain. It also produces the hormone melatonin which influences the sleep cycle. It releases DMT (the spirit molecule) a natural psychedelic. The pineal gland transcends your consciousness and connects you to the divine universe. DMT is activated during sleep by the pineal gland which is why we dream. During death it floods the brain with DMT which helps us leave the body and join the spiritual realm.

Ancient philosophers identified this gland as the seat for the soul. A place in which all our thoughts are formed. It’s where the two become one… where the information generated by the two physical eyes meet. Our two eyes see the physical but the pineal gland intuitively feels/sees the non physical.

The pine cone is a representative of the pineal gland. It’s interesting to me that pine cones also demonstrate geometrical patterns (The Fibonacci code) and are coincidentally vortex shaped which relates to mathematical patterns and codes demonstrated by Nikola Tesla.

It’s thought that our pineal gland could be our first eye.

It has to be deliberately opened in today’s society and tuned via the means of deep meditation and practice. Fluoride is attracted to the pineal gland and calcification occurs which destroys our ability to connect to higher frequencies. Raw apple cider vinegar helps to detoxify the pineal gland.

Once opened you can feel the thoughts and actions of other people, you enter the higher realms so clairvoyance, enhanced imagination, astral travel is possible and you soon understand the illusion of separation..It opens your 6th sense.

Surround yourself with high frequency energy. Any frequency below 62 MHz can cause illness! Sun gazing as noted previously also helps you activate the third eye.
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